Imagine making a Rails app, diving straight into code and launching with a jaw-dropping design in just a few days. Forget about the scaffold stylesheet. Dresssed is my new project giving everyone access to high quality Rails themes made by a talented designers.

If you’ve created a few Rails apps and took care of some of the design, you know how time consuming this can be, how your CSS can get messy pretty fast and how hard it is to keep your design consistent when everyone is touching those precious stylesheets adding stuff as they go. The trick is to start with a good foundation, and this is exactly what Dresssed will offer. A foundation that will ensure you start on the right foot, but also that your app looks awesome right from the start.

Designing is hard, lets go shopping … for themes

Dresssed will offer a variety of themes designed by professionals, in similar fashion to WooThemes, but for Rails. Each theme will style most elements of a common app and popular UI patterns. All of this, backed by the most awesome documentation you’ve ever read.

I need your feedback

How does that sound? Let me know your thoughts. Do you think premium Rails themes would be useful for your next project? How would you like a theme to work, what should it include? Post your comments bellow or send me an email and subscribe to the newsletter to know more and contribute to the making of the first themes.